Custom prompts is the new Black: AI & Upskilling for Leaders

By: Sona Nambiar,  

AI is the new black. But most GPTS charge by number of characters used. You may start with Basic and reach Enterprise Level within less than a year as you will be ohhh so hooked.. Or they may make you wait till the next day if free.

Prompt Engineering Certificate

So if you feel overwhelmed by AI taking your job. And don’t want to take as long as I did to upskill. Or you from L&D and wish to train resistant senior management into embracing digital transformation in small groups. Click to connect here (Linkedin)

Minus jargon I can teach you how to

1)Create custom prompts in your unique style.

2)Write in-depth industry expert blogs and faster..

3)Save money long-term on personal GPT subscriptions.

Backstory. Finished two Generative Ai certifications before I crossed another birthday few weeks ago (best gift to myself). One course said two hours, the other 18. Ignored that. When you are 50+ and loving it, you learn to savour education and actually understand the details. Took me over three days during the recent long Eid break to finish the “Generative AI certification for Educators” from Google.. And over three weeks for the ‘Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT’ certification from Vanderbilt University via Coursera. Stayed brand agnostic and did the exercises across different GPTs.

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” -Martin Luther King Jr. 

True as you grow older and want to study again. Over the last nine years, I discovered the joy of self-paced learning between work. Did several courses on EdX, Coursera, Allison’s etc for the sheer joy of learning and upskilling. Truth be told, I also left many of them mid-way because I lost momentum.  Lost money. Or when I got back to them, it was hard to focus.

But during the last four years, I vowed to stay on track by actually understanding the courses using the enquiry-based approach. That takes time. Next wanted to train youth on how to use their knowledge in the professional world beyond certification. Give back. Went to colleges and told them that I can teach mobile journalism (I love filming btw). And they said you don’t have a Phd. That hurt. Despite being over two decades in business journalism, I was all dressed up and nowhere to go.

Protege Effect

Then around Feb 2020, professionals above 40 years started to approach me. Wanted help to write blogs on Linkedin and understand its workings personally. When one door closes another opens. I thought it took me so long to master Linkedin despite being an editor. Why not coach Gen X using the “Protege Effect”? Aka the best way to learn is to teach.

So I created my Thought Leadership program from scratch. Two hour weekly sessions over 4 months to help digitally-scared leaders scale the way they write. The same way I trained regional journalists. Mixed my knowledge of digital transformation come from launching portals for Dubai publishers. Minus theory. Check the testimonials on my Linkedin

Now AI is my new Black. Coming from a journalism background and then moving into the startup life, I know what happens when you are busy growing the business for the company. You missed the AI train. Or you were sitting on the platform and munching popcorn and picking flaws.

But let me tell you some things I learned in my journey. You can harness AI tools to work for you and not the other way around. AI and you make for great mutual learning because it is constantly learning from the people it interacts with. 

Google Generative AI for Educators Certificate

So do you want to upskill and learn new ways to work faster and free up your time? Like I did? Let us get cracking.. If you cant beat them, then join ’em…